Emotion/Body/Belief Code, QHHT, Food Codes, Soul Speak - The Language of the Body, Animal Communication

While practices vary in techniques and energy healing tools, each is based on the idea that every aspect of the body is intimately connected and that by connecting the subconscious and conscious, the whole body can be engaged to promote health and well-being. Energy healing combines powerful physical, mental, and spiritual aspects to enable the body’s natural healing abilities.


The Emotion Code

This simple yet transformative healing method works by detecting negative emotions stored in the subconscious mind that can go as far back as when you were in your mother’s womb. These trapped emotions cause pain, self-sabotage, emotional problems and all kinds of malfunction and disease, such as physical pain, anger, depression, chronic fatigue, PTSD, phobias, or panic attacks.

30 mins |  $60.00 | 45-60 mins |  $100.00

The Body Code

This simple yet transformative healing method works by detecting imbalances stored in the subconscious mind that can go as far back as when you were in your mother’s womb. As with The Emotion Code, your Certified Body Code Practitioner works directly with your subconscious, using Applied Kinesiology, to find the root cause of discomfort, emotional challenges and abundance blocks. The Body Code focuses on balancing the body in all aspects of health- including emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, toxicity and more. The technique is not meant to replace any medical treatment, but by correcting any underlying imbalances, we help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over. As a result, discomfort and imbalance in the body often disappear, the body is often better able to function as it should, energy levels often increase, and emotional issues often become manageable or balanced.

30 mins |  $60.00 | 45-60 mins |  $100.00

The Belief Code

We don’t always believe what we think we believe. In fact, very often we don’t. This is because our conscious beliefs often represent what we’d like to believe. We think we value ourselves, we think we deserve respect – and we can find many reasons to justify why we should, but when we look deeply at what we really feel and believe inside, we often find that it’s just the opposite. The Belief Code is a brand new advanced healing system, and a way for us to get to the heart of what we’re really believing about ourselves and the world, and which is actually driving our behavior and determining our results in life. Unlike other healing systems that deal with beliefs, The Belief Code, uniquely, is claimed to be able to identify and reverse not only the unconscious negative beliefs that are holding us back, but the entire belief systems that underpin them. All we need to know is what the issue is that we want dealt with and what change we want to see in our lives.

30 mins |  $60.00 | 45-60 mins |  $100.00

Soul Speak

A Soul Speak Session will teach you how to illuminate the hidden messages your body is sending you when you manifest dis-ease of any kind. You will learn how to navigate and decode the messages your body has sent you and, how to work with your body moving forward in the future so that you can understand and heal from any issue that manifests in your body.

60 mins |  $75.00

Animal Communication

Whether you’re seeking assistance with your animal’s illness, behavioral challenges, or a deeper understanding of their needs, Pete’s expertise as an Animal Communicator will provide you with direct answers and vital guidance. Animal Communication Sessions, give your beloved animals a voice, allowing them to express their desires and concerns. In addition to insightful communication, both you and your animal companion will experience the profound benefits of Reiki energy healing. This holistic approach supports your journey together, addressing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of well-being.

15-30 mins |  $45.00

The Food Codes

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. — Hippocrates. Words to live by, yet many people are dying by the food choices they make. Rather than making sensible choices, most people choose the next fad diet. The Food Codes are about knowing your own unique body code in order to eat what’s right for you, right now.

Dealing with her own issues around food, Lori Rossi, began a journey of discovery. Dealing with chronic pain, fatigue and the garden variety of ailments (high blood pressure, diabetes) so many people live with, Lori was determined to find the cause and the solution was as close as her kitchen - food. With the right foods Lori’s energy went up, weight went down, focus increased, mood balanced, and her overall A1c decreased as well as her blood pressure. She also discovered that what foods worked for her may not be the best choice for others.

Whether your goals are weight-loss, strength and fitness, illness recovery, increased energy, detoxification or juicing, etc., this brilliant method is specific to your own body, and therefore more accurate than choosing from the myriad of generalized diet plans available today. As a Certified Emotion, Belief Code, and Body Code practitioner, Lori uses one of the easiest techniques on the planet to help anyone discover what foods really are best for your body. Best for you personally, at different times, seasons, and when different stresses affect your life.

Initial Session |  $345.00 | Follow-up  |  $100.00


QHHT® is an amazing journey of your consciousnesses and truly is a way of finding that all answers and healing lie within. Through QHHT, you can tap into your own higher self or subconscious and reconnect with the voice of your heart to solve deep-seated issues and expand your awareness. Along with discovering these answers, you may also find profound healing of chronic pain, illness and disease when you’re ready and your subconscious allows it.

6 to 8 hours |  $333.00  

“ Lori skillfully and comfortably brought me into connection with my subconscious. We found out that my subconscious is stubborn and ‘in charge’! So, while my life path will remain an ongoing curiosity, the QHHT session and ensuing self-inquiry combined for an incredible adventure. Full of colorful imagery, tangible sensation, and a range of emotions, I was led on a deep journey. Even after I returned home, the trip continued for many hours after the session concluded. I was glad to have safe space and time for myself after the session, which allowed the process to run its full course. It was a deeply rejuvenating experience for me.”

— Kristine, QHHT Client

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