When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds,

we will find it in our lives

"It’s one of the easiest and best gifts you’ll ever give yourself."

— L.B., a Soul Stroll Client


Can my pet benefit from energy work?

Yes! Animals can benefit greatly energy work. I have seen amazing results with animals and often times can see an almost immediate change in behavior and/or attitude. All certified Emotion Code practitioners have experience working with animals because it is a certification requirement to work with at least 5-10 animals for their case studies. We have also worked with our own, and friends, furbabies for years, seeing many positive changes in unwanted behaviors.

What are the benefits of energy work for animals?

It can help pets achieve a healthy and happy life as well! It works the same as for people. It’s known to be effective for:

  • Any physical or emotional disorder,

  • Any challenging behaviors,

  • Relationships with people,

  • Relationships with other animals.

There’s always some underlying cause from the present, the past, or from emotions being inherited, that can be easily released, or communicated, to improve your pet’s challenges.

What is the Emotion/Body/Belief Code?

The Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code are tools that simply and easily locate trapped energies, imbalances, and faulty beliefs within the body, and then help release them. With the Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code it is possible to identify which energy needs to be released to bring the body back to balance. Our premise is that by restoring balance to the energies in your body, we can help create a state where your natural healing abilities can emerge. Our bodies know what we need physically and emotionally. We use the Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code to tap into that inner knowledge – empowering the body to thrive. The Emotion/Body/Belief Code is a form of energy work, where I help people, children and pets, literally get rid of their emotional baggage and identify imbalances in the body.

How are QHHT sessions conducted?

All QHHT® sessions are conducted in-person and consists of 3 parts. First, a life and health review - getting to know each other and establishing a rapport. Second, a beautiful, guided daydream including a conversation with your Higher Self. And third, a debrief and summary of your journey.

What is QHHT?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) was created by Dolores Cannon, who passed away in 2014. Unlike classic past life regression, QHHT enables communication with that all-knowing part of us that Dolores named the Subconscious, and others prefer to call the Higher Self, the Over-Soul or the Super Conscious. This is the greater part of us that has a closer connection to The Source, God, Universe, or whatever name we choose to give that ‘something’ that is the originator of all-that-is. This part knows everything about us, both in our current life and all the other lives we may have lived, and will happily reveal the cause of mental or physical ailments. It also has limitless knowledge and the ability to heal the physical body if that is appropriate for this time.

What is Soul Speak?

A Soul Speak Session will teach you how to illuminate the hidden messages your body is sending you when you manifest dis-ease of any kind. You will learn how to navigate and decode the messages your body has sent you and, how to work with your body moving forward in the future so that you can understand and heal from any issue that manifests in your body.

Will you heal me?

I am only a facilitator in your own healing journey. You are responsible (and have the ability) for your own healing. Please understand that YOU and ONLY YOU are responsible for your own self-healing. The body is fully equipped to heal itself; but paradoxically, most people can’t handle doing this hard psycho-spiritual work alone. I can help give you that jump-start within, that activates your own healing. There are many remarkable modalities that offer impressive results, but none will work for you if:

X You are looking for someone else to do the work and heal you

X You are not willing to go within and receive your answers

X You are not willing to take action on the messages you receive (healing is active, not passive)

All the answers are within.