
I have been in the office many times but didn't know Lori and her gift…Since seeing her, my anxiety has calmed down. In one of the sessions she got “jealousy” at the age of 4-5 years old. Well my mom left my dad when I was 4-5 years old and she left me behind with my dad and took my brother with her. Lori had no idea what had happened in my life so she was as surprised as I was when I informed her of the information. If it wasn't for Lori and her gift I’m not sure what my situation would be today. I still see her on a weekly basis just to help clear my emotional codes. And will continue till she says I'm all good !! Thank you so much Lori !!

— Kathy S.

“Lori, you are simply amazing! Thank you for sharing space with me and helping me continue along my healing journey. I think I can finally feel my “sunshine,” and I thank you endlessly! Again, Thank you for “seeing me” and helping me along this life’s journey; truly you are a gift to all Seekers, Lightworkers, and Starseeds that are on the healing path to help Mother Earth and the collective elevate our frequencies through complete healing and release of that which no longer serves.


Last night I came home to no trash torn up, no couch stuffing all over the floor! We (Harper the dog) ran around, played for a while, and she was extra lovable!

Thank you Pete

— Nicole C.

Quote Source

“Thank you SO much, Lori. You are a gift to this universe! I am so so grateful we found you. 

My mom is very impressed at how accurate and on point you were. 

I still have other family members that need sessions with you, so we’ll be in touch! 

Thank you again, beautiful soul!

Kindest Regards,”

A. Gonzalez

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