When you are victorious, we are all victors. Life is meant to be lived in a state of joy, discovery and gratitude as we each journey together on the path of our hearts’ evolution.

Empowering you to your full health and potential in mind + body + spirit

Healing is a transformative process that involves achieving balance and wholeness in the mind, body, and spirit. It is a journey that requires patience, self-love, and a willingness to address the issues that are keeping us from living our best lives. Whether it's physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, the process often involves confronting old wounds, embracing vulnerability, and learning to trust ourselves again. It's a journey that's unique to each individual, but it's a necessary one if we want to live a life of joy, peace, and purpose. Ultimately, healing allows us to release the past, connect with our true selves, and step into a brighter, more vibrant future.

In-person and Remote Options

In-person and remote sessions both have their own unique advantages. In-person sessions allow for a more personal connection between the client and practitioner, as they are able to read body language and communicate more effectively. Additionally, clients may feel more comfortable sharing personal information in a face-to-face setting. On the other hand, remote sessions offer more flexibility and accessibility for clients who may not have access to transportation or are unable to physically attend appointments. Remote sessions also provide the opportunity for clients to receive sessions from the comfort of their own home, which can lead to decreased anxiety and increased comfort. In the end, the decision to choose in-person or remote sessions ultimately depends on the individual needs and preferences of each client.

*(QHHT Sessions are ONLY in-person).

To understand how energy healing modalities work, it’s important to align with the scientific evidence available that proves the body is made up of pure energy. When we go down on a sub-atomic level we don´t find matter, we find pure energy.

Everything in this universe has its own energetic vibrational frequency. However, we can't see it so it appears separate and solid to us. It´s actually an illusion.

Do you know what else is made up of energy?

All of your thoughts, your beliefs, your memories, your emotions, your habits, your actions.

Modalities and Rates

Online or in-person, this is designed for individuals to process and release trapped emotions. Releasing trapped negative emotions can help remove the imbalances, allowing your body to heal itself, leading to a healthier and happier life as you resonate more positive energy. Trapped emotions are negative emotional energies that we still carry around from past events, traumas or abuse. Trapped emotions can cause a variety of “symptoms,” include health related as well as in relationships, career, or success. They can block people from finding true love and happiness and make them feel disconnected or lonely. Trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, and they can affect physical tissues, organs and overall wellness. Trapped emotions can create pain, malfunction and possibly disease. In addition, trapped emotions can exert a dramatic effect on how you think, the choices that you make, and how you react to every day challenges. Think of trapped emotions as balls of energy that can be stuck in the body. They vibrate at different frequencies depending on the particular emotion. The trapped emotion, or negative vibration, can often affect the part of the body where they are stuck, but can also disturb overall balance and health. The Emotion Code is a powerful method of finding and releasing trapped negative emotions that have been stored in the body through our subconscious minds’ desire to protect us from further suffering.

approximately 30 mins | $60 | or approximately 45-60 mins | $100 | Get started

Emotion Code Session

Body/Belief Code Session

Online or in-person, The Body/Belief Code™ is a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system, intended to help you uncover root causes of discomfort, sickness, and suffering in body and spirit — so you can have the opportunity to make corrections right on the spot. So how does this all work? The Body Code is a system designed by Dr. Bradley Nelson which tests for energetic imbalances in the body, and corrects them energetically. I use a pendulum to uncover the underlying imbalance, giving me a very quick access to the subconscious mind through specific questions that will elicit a “yes” or “no” response. It is possible to tap into the “programming” of the body to determine if there is an imbalance that can be corrected or an energy that needs to be released. It is an incredibly simple, but amazingly powerful energy healing system that enables us to identify and release the various imbalances trapped in our bodies that are causing us discomfort or holding us back from what we want to achieve in life. Often, these are related to repressed emotions or shocks and traumatic experiences from our past, but The Body Code is able to also deal with many different types of imbalances (including various energetic imbalances, small structural misalignments, toxins, pathogens, the residue of old illnesses or decisions or beliefs, offensive energies like cords and entities, and much more), making it a comprehensive healing system in itself. The Belief Code stands out as a revolutionary method for releasing negative beliefs and embracing a brighter future. With its structured approach and powerful techniques, it empowers individuals to take charge of their beliefs and create the life they desire. As a certified practitioner, I invite you to explore this transformative modality and experience the profound shifts it can bring to your life. Say goodbye to limiting beliefs, and unlock your true potential with The Belief Code.

approximately 30 mins | $60 | or approximately 45-60 mins | $100 | Get started

Note: Lori usually combines the Body/Belief/Emotion Code into each session as she tunes into the person or pet’s energy, with the intention of what ever is needed by the client will present itself. If you would prefer to have just one of the modalities, just mention that when scheduling.

Emotion Code Session for Pets

Online or in-person, this is designed for our furry friends to process and release trapped emotions. Anyone who has had a pet will tell you that they are more than just animals. They are family too! And just like us, they have feelings. Having feelings, means they can also have trapped emotions that need to be released just like their humans. When something sad, traumatic or scary happens in our lives, or our pets lives, if we don’t process and release those uncomfortable emotions associated with that experience, the negative emotions may become trapped in the body. It is Dr. Bradley’s belief that those trapped negative emotions could create energetic imbalances. Releasing those trapped emotions can create a dramatic shift; physical discomfort may improve, physical symptoms could disappear and overall health may be restored.

approximately 30 mins | $60 | Get started

Animal Communication Session

Pete Rossi has a deep love for animals, and a fascination for understanding how other beings think, feel, and view the world. As an animal communicator, his work is to create a deeper harmony and understanding between species through communion, connection, and communication. Pete strives to facilitate physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing for all our beloved furbabies (and fin/featherbabies!) through the services he offers. With the aid of his Spiritual Council, Pete will relay to you the messages regarding the well being and communication of your pet in question. Sessions are conducted via email with a 48 hour turnaround window. Pete will require a photo, your pet name/gender, and three (3) questions or concerns.

Local area or Email Session | $45 | Get started

QHHT Session

These sessions are in-person only. Through the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ you can tap into your own higher self or subconscious and reconnect with the voice of your heart to solve deep-seated issues and expand your awareness. QHHT® works by guiding you into a Theta brainwave state that occurs naturally twice a day, right before you fall asleep and right when you’re waking up. In this magical dream state, you and the practitioner travel through time and space guided by your subconscious to gather and retrieve valuable and appropriate information that provides insight into your life now. During a QHHT® session, even though you’re in the deepest trance, you’re still aware which allows you to integrate the subconscious with the conscious mind. At this point, you allow your ego to take a backseat and the most loving part of you, your highest self, superconscious or what Dolores Cannon (The creator of QHHT) referred to as the subconscious (SC), can speak loud and clear. The healing that occurs during a session can happen instantaneously and/or continue for months and years into the future as you process and integrate all that you’ve learned and experienced during your journey.

6 to 8 hours | $333 | Get started

Online or in-person, this session will show that any ache, pain, illness or dis-ease is the body’s way of letting us know that we need to re-focus, change direction or discontinue down a certain path. Once the message has been decoded and received the body no longer needs to send that signal in the form of the symptoms. Most clients find relief or respite right away and if the issue is not completely resolved (after all it’s taken you time to get to where you’re at and it may take time to resolve), there’s always a clear path of action to take to resolve it. As with QHHT® or any energy healing, it’s always up to each individual to continue the healing process by making any necessary changes and/or implementing new practices so that their healing continues over time.

approximately 60 mins | $75 | Get started

Soul Speak Session

Food Codes Initial Session

Ready to discover secrets to optimum health? Lori will show you how to tune into your body, mind and soul in order to eat in a way that is specific to your needs. Most adults have tried one, two or several diets. Most are based on a cookie cutter approach, but people aren’t cookies. Designed to guide you in cultivating a positive relationship with food and your body, if you are seeking to find freedom from obsessive or negative blocks around healthy eating, the Food Codes can help you align with your intuition so you can live a joy-filled, meaningful, and nourished life.

The Food Codes are about knowing and listening to your own unique body code in order to eat what’s right for you, right now!

In your initial session, we will discuss your goals, identify/decode/release any blocks to healthy eating/cooking, understand and conduct muscle testing on yourself, and begin to identify those foods that are right for your body, based on your goals. You will receive a complete list of all foods tested (13 pages), and a much easier to follow “best foods for your body” list. These lists will also give a time frame of when it will be best for you to revisit or revise your lists. (You will receive your completed list, via email, within 3-4 days of your initial session). We will check for any blocks to healthy eating, and show you how to begin your journey of healthy eating through muscle testing and intuitive eating.

approximately 45 mins | $345 | Get started

Food Codes Follow-up Session

Online or in-person, in this follow-up to your initial Food Codes Session, we will check in on any remaining blocks, beliefs, or imbalances that are interfering with your success. We will also check in to see if any foods need to be adjusted - (more of food X, 2x/day limit of food Y, etc). Your best daily water intake amount, breathing/oxygen, and sunshine amounts will be tested. We will also venture into what is the best movement/amount of movement for your body at this time.

approximately 45-60 mins | $100 | Get started

Not sure which experience best suits you? I can help.

Book a Discovery Call that supports you in making an aligned choice for your highest & best good. This is a Free 15 minute 1-on-1 call through Zoom.

I do not offer coaching, healing, or intuitive insight on this call. It allows you to ask questions about energy healing or which service maybe right for you.

Dr. Brad on The Emotion Code

Dr. Brad says, "I take no credit for the Body Code. It came from above to me, to share with the world." Accordingly, I hope you always remember to ask your higher power for help, whatever you deem that higher power to be. Allow love to fill your heart for the person you are trying to help and be full of gratitude for your ability to help. Expect miracles! The more you can do these things, the more powerful you will be, and the more that higher power will work through you to heal the lives of others.

Have a question?

Whether it's a question about modalities or a question about the human condition, curiosity keeps us engaged and receptive to learning. The answers we find often lead to new thoughts and experiences, broadening our perspective and shaping our world. So, never be afraid to ask a question for it may lead to an unexpected discovery!

Get started with Soul Stroll today.