In-person sessions are now available on Fridays at our NEW LOCATION:

Nine Rivers Osteopathy

407 Taughannock Blvd, Ithaca, NY 14850

Get started on your journey

Note: Lori usually combines the Body/Belief/Emotion Code into each session as she tunes into the person or pet’s energy, with the intention of what ever is needed by the client will present itself. If you would prefer to have just one of the modalities, just mention that when scheduling.


(all the boring fine print)

Our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials are for informational and educational purposes only. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we expressly exclude any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred by you or others in connection with our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials, including without limitation any liability for any accidents, delays, injuries, harm, loss, damage, death, lost profits, personal or business interruptions, misapplication of information, physical or mental disease, condition or issue, physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual injury or harm, loss of income or revenue, loss of business, loss of profits or contracts, anticipated savings, loss of data, loss of goodwill, wasted time and for any other loss or damage of any kind, however and whether caused by negligence, breach of contract, or otherwise, even if foreseeable. You specifically acknowledge and agree that we are not liable for any defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of any other Program, Product, Service or Program Materials participant or user, including you.


1. Healing sessions are strictly confidential.

2. Your personal information will never be shared with anyone.

3. Lori makes no claims as to healing or recovery from any illness. No guarantee is made towards validity. Use this information at your own risk.