Easy Peasy Muscle Testing - the Sway Test

Unleash Your Subconscious Power with Muscle Testing

As incredibly intelligent beings, we use only a fraction of our brain's capacity consciously. Our minds easily wander, staying limited to about 5 percent of our total intelligence. Scientists even suspect it may be less! But fear not, the real powerhouse lies in the subconscious mind, akin to a human computer recording every experience - the good, the bad, and everything in between.

Your subconscious mind holds the key to unlocking better health and balance, yet many struggle to access this treasure trove of knowledge. But fret not, for we have the tools to tap into that other 95 percent - muscle testing!

By tapping into your muscles, we can unveil what strengthens or weakens your body through applied kinesiology or muscle testing. This process delves into the subconscious mind, providing answers about your well-being. It's like having a direct line to your body's wisdom, offering insights into both physical and emotional issues.

Imagine effortlessly discovering what you need to thrive and feel better. The potential impact on your overall well-being is immense. So, let's embrace the power of muscle testing and unleash the full potential of your subconscious mind! 🌟

This is a very easy way to muscle test because most people can make it work with very little practice. 

  1. The premise for muscle testing is that deep down our subconscious knows all and is connected to the entire universe and we can use our body’s response to receive those answers. Muscle testing is a very efficient way to connect to that knowledge. 

  2. With the sway test, the body will sway forward towards thoughts of positivity, congruence, or truth and backwards away from thoughts of negativity, falsehood or incongruence.

  3. The human body is an organism like any other. 

  4. For example plants will grow towards light, soothing music or positive energy, They will also grow away from negative inputs such as harsh sounds, and certain kinds of music. 

  5. Our bodies have a very similar mechanism. Your thoughts and emotions produce a certain response in your nervous system, affecting your motor response (movement of your body).

How to Sway Test

  1. Turn off music, tv as this can interfere with the testing

  2. Be hydrated. Have water available.

  3. Standing is desired when you are first learning as sitting has a more subtle response.

  4. Have feet shoulder width apart, and arms at your sides

  5. Clear your mind and yourself (clearing//connection) - You can say a prayer, or an affirmation. I usually clear by holding the intention to clear any negativity, any dis-ease, anything that’s not for my highest and best. Then I call in all my helper spirits and guides anything of the highest light and resonance .Lastly I download and connect with my intention, a direct connection to source, health, healing, understanding, clarity, etc. - Use whatever resonates for you personally.

  6. Relax

  7. Close your eyes (read through the next steps first!)

  8. The first thing you may notice is that the body has movement all the time, it may sway a little forward or a little backwards or left to right, this is just the body's way of maintaining a perfect upright posture. It’s not possible to be completely still.Your postural muscles are continuously working to keep the body standing up right and that’s perfectly ok and totally normal. 

  9. Get a baseline

  10. The first thing I’d like you to think about is war. All the people who have died. All the families that have been displaced and their homes destroyed. All of the tragedies. All of the people who have been hurt. All of the destruction. As you focus on these negative thoughts, you should notice that your body is swaying back, away from the negativity.The is your subconscious mind connecting with these conscious thoughts and trying to recoil you away from the negativity.This will likely happen within 3-10 seconds but perhaps sooner. As you practice, the faster your responses will become.

  11. Clear your mind. 

  12. Think about love - imagine you are a being of unconditional love. That your heart is a generator of unconditional love. Imagine that the beautiful love energy that fills your heart, can’t even be contained by your heart, and goes out from your heart and fills the immensity of space. Imagine that you love everyone unconditionally, no matter who they are. Imagine what it would feel like to be loved and accepted by everyone in return. As you hold the thought of unconditional love in your mind, what you’ll find is that your body will want to sway forward, towards the positivity, congruency and beauty of that thought of unconditional love. This forward movement will also likely happen within 3-10 seconds, but perhaps sooner. 

  13. Once you’ve established your baseline for yes/no answers. You can move forward with other questions. We’ve done a longer version here. I tend to clear and connect, then ask my body to “show me yes” and “show me no”

  14. You might ask, Am I drinking enough water for my body to perform optimally? Or do I have a trapped emotion? You can use the sway test for any of the questions you want to ask your subconscious. 

Final thoughts - The wording of your question matters

My body did not understand the word not.

My body did not understand the work detox.

My body did not understand the word bad. (So I could not ask if this particular item was bad for me.)

Just in case you haven’t met me yet, I am a certified Body/Emotion/Belief Code, QHHT, Soul Speak, and Food Codes Practitioner. My mission is to empower you to optimize your full health and potential in mind + body + spirit. I delight in all things and I’m extremely curious and enthusiastic. I’m fascinated with people’s stories, and I love learning how you’ve created your life and what your dreams and goals are. Each person I have the honor of working with touches my life deeply and enriches my experience. I’m filled with gratitude and honor to be able to witness amazing transformations occur at the deepest and highest levels of consciousness.

As a life-long student and dedicated creator, I am devoted to constant evolution and health. I am always on a treasure hunt for shiny golden nuggets from visionaries and thought leaders, with a special focus on heart-centered teachings, to share with my clients. 

I have experienced many of life’s challenges (I have definitely been through the wringer a few times!) which have been the driving force for my personal evolution. Because I have learned how to heal myself, I feel called to assist others in the journey to heal themselves. I am determined to live a life with no regrets and to fulfill my mission of spreading joy and light to others.

All of my experiences have led me to my current passion of helping empower others through the Emotion/Body/Belief Code, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Food Codes, and Soul Speak.  These modalities allow me to combine my spirituality, intuition, focus, creativity, listening skills, voice and heart into one tremendous package of light and love delivered with heart and soul.

You can find me at https://www.soul-stroll.com/     or



I’m stuck, and I can’t get out!