Introducing Soul Stroll

helping you uncover root causes of discomfort, sickness, and suffering in body and spirit

Release What No Longer Serves You

Become Who You Are Meant to Be

The Approach

Energy healing works on the principle that our physical body and life experiences are formed by the energies that exist in our energy field, and any imbalances or blocks in our energy field can contribute to emotional challenges, physical pain or illness, limiting life patterns, and other unwanted conditions in a person's life.

“As any animal lover will tell you, animals have feelings, too. They may not be able to talk about them, but if you watch their behavior and get to know them, you will soon be able to recognize their subtle changes of emotion. Even without words, animals express their emotions clearly. When emotionally upsetting events occur, animals can suffer from trapped emotions just as people can.” ~ Dr. Bradley Nelson.

NEW LOCATION at Nine Rivers Osteopathy

407 Taughannock Blvd

Ithaca, NY 14850

By appointment


“Getting in tune with my Higher Self brought me further insight about that part of myself that is more in touch with the Universe and my physical health. After the session, I felt so much more alive and in tuned with who I am and with my overall well being. Thank you very much, Lori, for this life-impacting experience!”

— Peter, Soul Stroll Client

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We are honored to act as your professional guide and facilitator to access your highest states of consciousness. We are explorers and seekers and, if you are too, together we can recover and reveal your very best self so you can carry out your unique mission in this world with confidence and joy. We take great care in creating a safe and sacred container for your transformation and healing to occur by bringing to the table rigorous philosophical and spiritual studies alongside our personal life quest for mental, spiritual, physical and emotional health. We delight in most everything and are extremely curious. We are fascinated with people’s stories, and love learning how you’ve created your life and what your dreams and goals are. Each person we have the honor of working with touches our life and enriches our experience. We are filled with gratitude and honor to be able to witness transformations occur at the deepest and highest levels of consciousness.


This Morning Routine Will Improve Your Mood

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How to Take An Effective Mental Health Day Off

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Exercises To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts

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The Beginners Guide to Meditation

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Get started with Soul Stroll today.